列印並填妥遊戲表格,親身交回香港中環德輔道中 131號有餘貿易中心 1004室貴族鑽飾國際有限公司陳列室,便可參加抽獎 (郵寄恕不接受)。

Fill out the form completely and return it to our showroom - 1004, Unicorn Trade Centre, 131 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong) in person on or before 31st December 2005 to participate the lucky draw for winning the prizes up to one million!!

  頭獎一名,價值港幣HK$165,000天然橙鑽戒 (Fancy Deep Orange Diamond Ring)
二獎一名,價值港幣HK$ 93,000多色彩鑽戒(Fancy Greenish Brown-Yellow Diamond Ring)  
"Fancy Diamonds"一本(價值HKHK$250)